Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tip of the day

Exercise more!

Here is the scenario: you get home after work, you get out of your work clothes and realize you have a couple of hours of daylight left. So what do you do? Drive to the golf course? Go shopping? Take a joy ride around the local lake? Or you could go for a peaceful 3 mile jog or 10 mile bike ride in your neighborhood. Exercise is something we all could do more of for our own health, it sets good examples for our children (which I don't have), and most importantly, it does not require any Petro. You never know, one of these days our feet may be our only reasonable means of transportation.

1 comment:

B Ga said...

Good ideas, PP. When we can Petropinch and waistline-pinch at the same time, everybody wins. No children?