Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Second Tip O' the Day

Just a reminder to everyone that reads this - the problems that we are facing today regarding gas prices and petroleum consumption can easily be blamed on many different entities: Congress, OPEC, Corporate America, the Saudi Arabians, George Bush, etc. However, the blame needs to rest on everyone's shoulders including me and including you. We cannont continue to be slaves to this one finite natural resource and the only way to change that is to change your habits as a consumer. Take responsibilty - we are all to blame, every single person living in this nation.

Be aware of how you use petroleum. It is not just in your car or in your home, it is in the plastic bags you use, the water bottles you drink out of, and the other items that you may choose to recycle or not. We are a wasteful society that tends to avoid personal blame for the situations that we impose on ourselves. I am not standing on a soapbox here because I am part of the problem, but I hope to make changes in my life and would ask the same of you.

Good luck and realize that the first step to Petropinching is taking responsibility for the problem at hand.

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