Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tip of the day

Park in the absolute first parking lot you find - usually this will be far away from the entrance so it will a) keep you from driving around the parking lot b) keep you from driving any further than absolutely necessary and c) require you to walk a little further, burning off those calories from earlier in the day


B Ga said...

I usually park pretty far away from the entrance to stores (much to the dismay of my girlfriend). I always tell her that we need to save the closer spots for old ladies. I just don't see the need to drive around for ten minutes to find a spot that might be fifteen yards closer to the entrance, and I'm always looking to Petropinch positive.
Question: What about cruise control? I make a 6-hour roundtrip 1-2 times a month, and cruise control keeps me do the soothing sounds of Eric Carmen.

The Butterknife said...

Okay, AUSTIN, it's not that I MIND parking far away from the entrance of a store if the parking lot is full. I just happen to know that it's not good-hearted PETRO PINCHING that is making you do is Taurean ASSUPTHEHEADEDNESS that is making you do it. You enjoy making my face turn red and my ass itch. NEWSFLASH: I turn 32 this year...I AM AN OLD LADY. Just wait til I make you purchase a Buick and talk someone out of their handicapped tag.

Terry-Look at you so cute with all this new fangled "bloggin'" and shit.

The Butterknife said...

Um, I guess that should be HEADUPTHEASSEDNESS. Forgive me for confusing my run on insults. I've been dating you too long. :) I'm also drunk.